"The true test of our progress is not whether we add to the abundance of those that have much; rather it is whether we provide enough for those that have too little."
Franklin Delano Roosevelt

"Each person has inside a basic decency and goodness. If he listens to it and acts on it, he is giving a great deal of what it is the world needs most. It is not complicated but it takes courage for a person to listen to his own goodness and act on it."
Pablo Casals

"None of us can live in the past. We can only live in the present in the hope of a better tomorrow."
John Fitzgerald Kennedy

"If a person's word is no good, nothing else they possess is worth having."
D.B. Sheffield

"If a person cannot save, the seeds of success are not in them."
W. Clement Stone

"My dog may bite me, but he will not be my dog long."
D.B. Sheffield

"Sex is a strong magnet, but a very poor glue."
D.B. Sheffield

"An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."
Benjamin Franklin

"Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious victories, even though checked by failures than to join ranks with those poor souls who neither suffer much nor enjoy much for they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat."
Theodore Roosevelt

"People are about as happy as they make up their minds to be."
Abraham Lincoln

"On football in August, everybody's good."
W. Johnston King, Jr.

"Politics is a lot of fun, but a poor way to try to make a living."
Senator Henry M. Milgrom

"Anything in life that is worth having is worth working for and if it is not worth working for it is certainly not worth having."
Andrew Carnegie

"The reason most people don't make money is that they are too busy making a living."
John T. Minges

"When you are crawling on your belly and your buddies on both sides of you are being killed and you think that you may be next, that is hard; everything else in life is easy."
Dr. G.R. Hammond

"Freedom is a very contagious virus; be careful how you spread it."
Peter B. Young

"You may not get what you pay for, but you will certainly pay for what you get."
D.B. Sheffield

"Maintenance is better than repair, repair is better than overhaul and overhaul is better than replacement, so keep your mess up."
Clinton Oliver Barnes

"Success is achieved and maintained by those who try and keep trying with a positive mental attitude."
W. Clement Stone

"You had just as well laugh as to cry."
Mary Marriott Milgrom

"Where there is nothing to lose by trying and a great deal to gain if successful, by all means try."
W. Clement Stone

"As long as you are living there is hope for you."
Dr. Henry Battle Marriott

"There is no disgrace in not knowing. The only disgrace is in not being willing to learn."
Benjamin Franklin

"Every person makes mistakes, but only a fool tries to relive theirs."
Kate W. Wainwright

"It is all right to make mistakes as long as they are not fatal and you don't repeat them."
D.B. Sheffield

"Excuses satisfy only those who make them."
William H. Danforth

"Never gloat in victory nor sulk in defeat."
Adlai E. Stevenson

"There has never been a good reason or a good excuse for having bad manners."
Oteallia Connor

"Any fool can criticize, however it is indeed a wise person that praises."
Kate W. Wainwright

"In order to be truly happy a person needs only three things, something to do, someone to love and something to look forward to."
Dr. Billy Sharpe

"A problem is often times a blessing in disguise"
R. Norman Vincent Peale

"It is far better to light one candle than to curse the darkness."
John Fitzgerald Kennedy

"A person who graduates today and stops learning tomorrow is uneducated."
Dr. Leo Jenkins

"Don't pee on me and tell me it is raining."
Allen G. Thomas

"My health is not my doctor's responsibility, it is mine."
Dewey B. Sheffield

"Romance without finance has no meaning."
Rudolph Knight

"Don't depend on people too much, because even your shadow leaves you in the dark."
Yvonne Williams

"Not drunk is he who can rise again and drink once more, but drunk is he who can neither drink nor rise."
U.S. Senator William B. Umstead

"In this world there are only two types of people, amateurs and professionals. Always deal with the professionals, as amateurs have to learn, but there is no sense in you paying for their education."
D.B. Sheffield

"The way you can tell the difference between an amateur and a professional is to ask both of them the same question. An amateur will have to go look it up. A professional will tell you off the top of his head, because he knows his business."
D.B. Sheffield

"Never celebrate too early, remember it is only a deal once the checks have cleared the bank."
John T. Minges

"I feel healthy, I feel happy, I feel terrific."
W. Clement Stone

"You will never worry about yourself if you spend your time always doing for others."
Emily M. Sheffield

"You can't cure stupid."
Deebai Marriott Longtemps Berry

"You can't pour a quart out of a pint jar."
D.B. Sheffield

"Not everyone drinks out of the same side of the gourd."
D.B. Sheffield

"Do what you can while you can."
Gene Rose



"The right of the people to govern themselves is their greatest power" - Dewey B. Sheffield